We are unique in design, as are our lives. Be it sleep and exercise; or occupation and recreation, we have our own blend of day-to-day experiences. And every one of these little things we do has an impact on our mental health.
At AID 4 Mental Health lab, we focus on understanding the individualized real-world experience of mental health by developing people-centered AI & digital tech-enabled solutions. We also assess ways in which technology can be optimally deployed in the real world that is what works for whom, when and for how long.
AID 4 Mental Health is a not-for-profit research lab at Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics at The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto.
Development of novel clinical-grade digital biomarkers of real-world symptoms, severity and triggers of mental health
Understand how an individuals’ unique day-to-day experience can help inform their mental health care and management
Quantify how biases due to digital divide, lack of diversity and data privacy could impact the future of inclusive digital mental health
Explore the modular ecosystem needed for using AI-informed workflows in mental health care , including open standards for integrating real world data into electronic health records